The American Indian community comprises about 1% of the population and yet represents over 560 different tribes across the United States with 109 of those tribes represented in California. With this in mind, it is important to understand the diverse background of the American Indian student. This presentation will preface with a brief history of an American Indian education timeline and lead into a contemporary look at the American Indian student including best practices of retention and recruitment efforts (highlighting UCLA) and ending with a unique perspective of the CaliforniaIndian student.
Speaker Biography
Clement Bordeaux
Clementine Bordeaux is an enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and was raised on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. She earned a graduate degree from the University of Washington, Seattle in the Native Voices Indigenous Documentary Program. Currently, she is the Academic Coordinator for the American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program at UCLA. Clementine has worked closely with two student initiated, student run projects at UCLA: the American Indian Recruitment (AIR) Project and the Retention of American Indians Now! (RAIN!) project as well as a variety of recruitment and advising units which serve the American Indian populations.
Presentation Handouts