This presentation will inform advisors about the pre-medical postbaccalaureate programs offered by the UC Postbaccalaureate Consortium. Advisors will learn about student populations that would benefit from participating in a pre-medical postbaccalaureate program, the eligibility and application process for the UC Postbaccalaureate Consortium. The UC Davis Postbaccalaureate Program will be highlighted to demonstrate process. The University of California Postbaccalaureate Consortium is a partnership of 5 UC Schools of Medicine (UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Riverside, and UC San Francisco),whose goals are to increase the number of physicians who practice in designated physician shortage areas in California. The postbaccalaureate programs accomplish this by identifying students from educational and economical disadvantaged backgrounds and assisting those capable and dedicated students in gaining admission to medical school. The programs seek students who are committed to practicing in underserved communities of California.
Speaker Biography
Elio Gutierrez
Elio, B.A., B.S. is the UC Postbaccalaureate Consortium Coordinator and a member of the UC Davis School of Medicine Office of Student and Resident Diversity. He was born in Mexico and completed his high school education in the Sacramento Area. While securing his Bachelor of Art’s degree at UC Davis in Spanish and Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, he solidified his passion for working with under-served, underrepresented communities through his work experience in education. He worked throughout his undergraduate years at UC Davis and eventually as staff with UC Davis' outreach efforts through the Early Academic Outreach Program, Upward Bound, and Educational Talent Search. He also formed part of the undergraduate board for UC Davis and UC Davis Medical School organizations: Filipino Association for Health Careers and Imani Student-Run Clinic. Elio is enjoys continuing his work with pre-medical students through the UC Postbaccalaurate Consortium outreach services.
Lorena Ruedas
Lorena, M.S. is the UC Davis School of Medicine Postbaccalaureate Program Coordinator under the Office of Student and Resident Diversity. Lorena is also currently a doctoral student in the UC Davis and Sonoma State University joint CANDEL program working toward her Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She earned her Master of Science degree in School counseling at Sacramento State University, and her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Education at UC Davis. Growing up in a diverse and underserved community of Sacramento, CA, Lorena focuses her career on advocating for underrepresented students in higher education and improving access to both education and health care. Using her experience as a counselor and expertise in program coordinating, Lorena advises underrepresented postbaccalaureate students in preparation for applying to medical school.